Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekends are for Projects

I finally got some housework done on Saturday. I decided to reorganize my closet to see why I never have anything to wear. I discovered that more than half my wardrobe is vintage. Much of it collectible pieces dating back to the 20's and beyond. Some pieces are seasonal or occasional dresses and most is just stuff I really don't like to give a lot of wear and tear to because I want to preserve it as long as humanly possible. So I spent part of the day making minor repairs to a few pieces and I came upon a dress my friend had made from a circa 40's pattern. I love the dress but I thought it was a bit long so I cut it shorter leaving me with about 8 inches of the groovy scull and crossbones fabric from the dress. So I gathered up some other remnant pieces and made this cute little ruffle skirt. I'm really in a girlish, ruffly mood these days.

Today, I was enjoying my newly cleaned sewing room and rummaging through my fabric piles when I came upon this really sweet piece of vintage Mexican theme heavy cotton. Although the fabric is most likely circa 50's. It made me think of those 40's pin-up girls. I was immediately inspired and began working on this dress:

The skirt isn't quite as full as I would like but it was a pretty small piece a fabric so this will just have to do.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

I came Upon your little world today and had to comment on this great little dress. I had to take a double because I have a table cloth of my grandmothers (carefully wrapped in tissue) of this very same pattern. I love that you could make something incredible without any emothional attachment to it. My cloth will stay where it is (soaking in nostalgia).